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If you are new to Pilates or new to the studio, we recommend completing a 75 minute initial consultation prior to booking into a group class. These sessions give your instructor an opportunity to get to know your body and how you move so that we can provide an ongoing experience tailored to your personal goals and physical abilities.


Pilates private classes focus on clients with highly specific requirements, elite training needs or who are recovering from acute injury. If you are interested in a more personal touch, please enquire directly with the studio.


Private Casual -  $90

5 Class Pass - $405

10 Class Pass -  $810


Initial Consultation: $105

Send an email to or call 0449 034 555 to make your booking.


With a maximum of three participants, this class will challenge and target the entire body. Keeping the class small ensures that each individual session is tailored to your specific strength, fitness or rehabilitation goals. These sessions welcome all levels of experience and body type and can include additional small apparatus to increase difficulty or provide you with assistance. 


Casual - $35

5 Class Pass - $140

10 Class Pass : $300




Studio sessions are personally tailored one hour sessions, focusing on your specific movement requirements.  These sessions are suitable for anyone with a specific injury, if you are working towards a particular movement goal, are training for a specific event or preparing for / recovering from surgery or pregnancy.  


Casual - $45

5 Class Pass - $215

10 Class Pass : $405



Back to the basics with great total body workout. These classes are the essence and foundation of the Pilates method. Whether you are completely new to Pilates or are an elite level mover these classes will improve your core strength, trunk stability, flexibility, control, coordination, balance, posture and body awareness. 


Casual - $30

5 Class Pass - $140

10 Class Pass : $270


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This 1 hour minute small group class provides you with an opportunity to take the time to reduce tension and stress in the body using foam rollers, Franklin balls and bands and movement. This class focuses on techniques to release tight muscles and facial lines of the body that could ultimately result in injury or prolonged pain. A great way to start and end your week.

Casual - $35

5 Class Pass - $140

10 Class Pass : $300



Focusing on the specific movement efficiency of running, learn to become a more efficient runner and prevent pain and injury. Considering the highly complex biomechanical and neuromuscular systems involved in running these classes will improve your technique, reduce stress and strain on the body, improve your running performance and help you to avoid injury.


Casual - $40

5 Class Pass - $180

10 Class Pass : $360

ENQUIRE by email or call 0449 034 555


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